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Chryssopoulos, Christos

geboren 1968 in Athen, Schrift­steller, Über­set­zer und Fotograf. Er studierte Wirtschaftswis­senschaften und Psy­cholo­gie. Für sein Werk wurde er vielfach aus­geze­ich­net, u.a. ver­lieh ihm die Franzö­sis­che Repub­lik 2015 den Titel des Rit­ters der Wis­senschaften und Kün­ste. Chris­tos Chrys­sopou­los ist Mit­glied des Europäis­chen Kul­tur­par­la­ments und schreibt regelmäßig für die nationale und inter­na­tionale Presse. Seine Büch­er wer­den weltweit über­set­zt. Mit Parthenon (2018) erschien erst­mals ein Werk von Chris­tos Chrys­sopou­los in deutsch­er Sprache im Hay­mon Verlag.

Chris­tos Chryssopoulos


born in 1968 in Athens has pub­lished fif­teen books in var­i­ous gen­res, includ­ing fic­tion, essay, chron­i­cle, and pho­tog­ra­phy. Chris­sopou­los received the Acad­e­my of Athens Award (2008). In 2015, the French Repub­lic award­ed him the title of Knight of the Order of Arts and Let­ters. He has also received the Balka­ni­ka Prize (2015) and the French prizes Prix Lau­re Batail­lon (2013) and Prix Rava­chol (2013). Trans­la­tions of many of his works have been pub­lished, among oth­ers, in Ger­man, French, Ital­ian, and Eng­lish. He is a mem­ber of the Greek writ­ers’ asso­ci­a­tion and the Euro­pean Cul­tur­al Par­lia­ment (ECP). He teach­es Cre­ative Writ­ing and lec­tures fre­quent­ly on lit­er­a­ture, the­o­ry, and pol­i­tics. Chris­sopou­los is also a pho­tog­ra­ph­er whose work has been exhib­it­ed inter­na­tion­al­ly; he is inter­est­ed in the nar­ra­tive con­nec­tions between lit­er­a­ture and pho­tog­ra­phy. The author lives in Athens.

Chris­tos Chryssopoulos